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The 4th TIPO-JPO trademark examiner exchange was held in October. Two JPO trademark examiners came for this exchange. For the exchange topics, TIPO answered JPO’s questions on the registration of geographical certification marks and letter of consent for trademark registration. Meanwhile, JPO briefed on the new operation for non-traditional trademark applications launched since April 1, 2015. JPO pointed out that it received 481 non-traditional trademark applications (not including 3D trademarks) on the very first day. As of October 20, JPO had received a total of 1,036 applications in this regard, which is equivalent to that received in the EU from 1996 to 2012. The non-traditional trademark applications were numerous in terms of quantity and diversity. There were heated discussions on the position trademarks and sound trademarks, which inspired the attendees a lot. In addition, both sides also had in-depth discussions on the practices for a same trademark application filed at the JPO and TIPO. The view exchange on various specific cases helped examiners on both sides develop a more comprehensive perspective. Moreover, in order to enhance JPO’s understanding about our enforcement on trademark protection, TIPO also arranged a meeting between the JPO examiners and Taiwan’s IPR Police.
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