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After constant promotion and improvements in the past years, TIPO’s e-filing service for patent and trademark application has become rewarding by the public. In December 2016, there are 49.99 and 66.36 percent of patent and trademark applications filed electronically whilst 72.08 and 56.50 percent of official documents served electronically. Beginning in January 2017, three new features in the electronic service are introduced as follows:
1. Issuance of electronic receipt for online payment
For those who make online payment with automated debit transfer or eATM for patent annuities, trademark registration fee and other fees issuance of electronic receipt is available.
2. Addition of online application forms
For the sake of the expansion of the scope of e-filing service, there are 20 application forms that can be processed online, including payment for patent annuities and reduced patent annuities, refund for patent fees, trademark reinstatement, abandonment of trademark and the other 15 application forms for withdrawal.
3. Electronic official document can be re-downloaded without extra application
When the file containing electronic official document misses and needs to be re-downloaded, the applicant may do so via digital certificate, by entering the documentation number and/or date of delivery in the E-Set system, without filing an application with TIPO.
Please refer to the link below for more information.
Intellectual Property Office Ministry of Economic Affairs,R.O.C