Nintendo 64 Classic may be on its way, trademark reveals
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Nintendo 64 Classic may be on its way, trademark reveals

Nintendo 64 Classic may be on its way, trademark reveals


Trademarks, logos and hope: is another classic Nintendo console making a comeback?

When Nintendo first announced it was making miniature versions of its classic game consoles, the internet lost it. The original NES Classic was a hit before it even launched. A year later, the company created the Super Nintendo Classic edition, and started a trend. Today, these throwback consoles are more than just nostalgic toys -- they're the primary way Nintendo expects its customers to play its classic game library.

So what's next for the company's Classic Edition line up?

The Nintendo 64. Probably. A few days ago, JapaneseNintendo spotted a trademark application that covers both the controllers and software for the 1996 game console. Actually, it's technically the second 64-bit console trademark the company's filed recently -- last summer, Nintendo filed a graphical trademark for an icon depicting the N64's iconic three-pronged controller in the same style as the NES Classic logo.


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