Good Momentum for IP Development in First Half
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Good Momentum for IP Development in First Half

Good Momentum for IP Development in First Half


SIPO held the third quarter (2018) press conference in Beijing on July 10, marking not just its third face-to-face with the press, but its first centralized release of statistics concerning patent, trademark and geographical indication after its organizational overhaul. In the first half of 2018, the main IP indexes all stay in the fast lane with invention patent filings registering at 751,000 and invention patent grants 217,000, trademark applications 3,586,000 and GI applications 10.

As said above, the first half witnessed 751,000 invention patent applications and 217,000 grants, 171,000 of which were granted to domestic applicants. Among these granted domestic invention patents, 159,000 were done under employment, accounting for 93.2% of the total, and the remaining 12,000 or 6.8% were non- duty inventions. As of the end of June, China had housed 1,475,000 valid invention patents in total (excluding Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), the number of invention patents per ten thousand population was 10.6. In addition, a total of 23,000 international applications under the Patent Cooperation Treaty (PCT) were received by SIPO, up 6.3%. The 21,600 PCT applications filed by domestic applicants logged a more impressive 7.6%.


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