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Patent Systems

Hong Kong

Standard Patent

Patent Term:
20 years from the filing date

Examination Procedure:
1st stage: filing a request to record within 6 months after the date of publication of the designated patent application in the designated patent office (SIPO, EPO in respect of a patent designating the United Kingdom or UKPO)
2nd stage: filing a request for registration and grant within 6 months after the date of grant of the designated patent by the designated patent office (SIPO, EPO in respect of a patent designating the United Kingdom or UKPO) or publication of the request to record by the Patents Registry of the Intellectual Property Department of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, whichever is the later

Duration of Examination:
depending on the designated patent application

Payment of Maintenance Fee:
annual payment after the end of the 3rd year from the filing date

Short-term Patent

Patent Term:
8 years from the filing date

Examination Procedure:
formality examination: filing a request for grant of a short-term patent is based on a search report from an international searching authority or one of three designated patent offices (SIPO, EPO in respect of a patent designating the United Kingdom or UKPO)

Duration of Examination:
approximately 3 months

Payment of Maintenance Fee:
paying once after the end of the 4th year from the filing date


Patent Term:
25 years from the filing date

Examination Procedure:
formality examination

Duration of Examination:
approximately 3 months

Claim for Foreign Priority:
the application has to be filed within 6 months from the filing date of the earliest foreign application

Payment of Maintenance Fee:
paying once every 5 years, up to a maximum of 25 years

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