臨時申請案(provisional application)
在申請美國專利時,不同的術語和程序常常會讓申請人感到困惑。其中,再延續申請時經常遇到的常見術語是「部分連續案(Continuation-In-Part,又稱CIP案)」和「提出繼續審查請求(Request for Continued Examination) ,又稱RCE案」。對於參與專利申請過程的任何人來說,理解這兩個概念之間的差異至關重要。
連續申請案CA(Continuation Application)
35 U.S.C. 120 Benefit of earlier filing date in the United States.
An application for patent for an invention disclosed in the manner provided by section 112(a) (other than the requirement to disclose the best mode) in an application previously filed in the United States, or as provided by section 363 or 385 which names an inventor or joint inventor in the previously filed application shall have the same effect, as to such invention, as though filed on the date of the prior application, if filed before the patenting or abandonment of or termination of proceedings on the first application or on an application similarly entitled to the benefit of the filing date of the first application and if it contains or is amended to contain a specific reference to the earlier filed application. No application shall be entitled to the benefit of an earlier filed application under this section unless an amendment containing the specific reference to the earlier filed application is submitted at such time during the pendency of the application as required by the Director. The Director may consider the failure to submit such an amendment within that time period as a waiver of any benefit under this section. The Director may establish procedures, including the requirement for payment of the fee specified in section 41(a)(7), to accept an unintentionally delayed submission of an amendment under this section.
更詳細的規範可參考37 CFR 1.78以及MPEP §211
部分連續申請案CIP (Continuation-In-Part)
提出繼續審查請求RCE (Request for Continued Examination)
一般來說,申請人在與專利商標局針對Office Action進行數次答辯後,若審查委員仍認定該申請案不符合專利要件,則會發出最終核駁審定書(Final Office Action),此時若申請人進行第二次答辯仍然無法說服審查委員時,審查程序即宣告結束。申請人若仍試圖使該申請案核准,則可透過上訴(Appeal)聯邦巡迴上訴法院或提出繼續審查請求兩種方式。然而,上訴聯邦巡迴上訴法院所費不貲、程序冗長,因此實務上申請人通常較傾向以提出繼續審查請求的方式回應最終核駁審定,並藉此增加獲得專利的機會。
限制要求RR (Requirement for Restriction/Election):
Restriction:當審查委員認為一件申請案涉及多個發明或存在一件以上獨立且不同(independent and distinct)的發明時,如果這些發明在可專利性上是可區別的,且會造成嚴重的審查負擔時,審查委員就會要求申請人選擇其中一組申請專利範圍進行申請。
Elections of Species:當申請專利範圍要求保護一項發明的多個實施例時,審查委員也可能要求申請人選擇類別,以方便進行檢索。申請專利範圍可以包括一項或多項一般申請專利範圍。
Unity of Invention Requirement :